Digital Listings and Profiles
Hunterdon Business Services
Digital Listings and Profiles Provide Additional Visibility Opportunities for Your Business
Did you ever search for your business name or your own name to see what digital listings and profiles come up as a result? If you have not, you may be surprised at the search results. Do you come up at all? How many listings on the first three pages of the results are about you or your company? Is your information accurate and consistent?
Search engines place value in reputable online directories. This means that your business’ information should be available on as many reputable digital directories as possible.
Creating and Maintaining Your Listings and Profiles
Creating and maintaining numerous digital listings and profiles is time-consuming, which makes putting off this marketing task easy. However, the collective credibility of consistent and multiple digital listings and profiles is worth the effort and investment. These digital listings and profiles strengthen a business’ internet presence, boosting your business’ visibility.
Digital Listings and Profiles provide:
- credibility to your business entity;
- links to your business’ website which, depending on the directory, can provide a valuable backlink; and
- a ‘category’ field or fields which classify your business’ products and services and help you come up in multiple platforms for those category searches.
Existing Listings and Profiles
Information must be accurate and maintained. Consistency of NAP (name, address and phone number) is essential, especially if you have changed your business name, moved, or had different phone numbers.
New Listings and Profiles
Niche directories should be researched and profiles and/or pages created to secure a presence in popular online directories.
The more digital listings for your business, the better.
Benefits of Listings and Profiles
- A listing in a reputable directory adds credibility.
- Customers may find your listing and may leave online reviews.
- Potential customers may be persuaded to purchase your goods or services because of the reviews in these online directories.
Search engine optimization isn’t just for websites.
Listings and Profiles should be optimized for increased value.
Experienced in the placement and construction of digital listings and profiles, HBS knows how to structure listings and use categories and keywords to optimize your listings. Updating and maintaining accurate digital listings takes time that you could otherwise be devoting to the operation of your business. With consistent work, over time, your business information is displayed in a number of digital directories accurately. This provides your potential customers and existing customers a view of your products and service offerings via numerous venues, increasing your online visibility substantially.
Legal Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms
With over 15 years of legal marketing experience with positive results, HBS staff are particularly adept at establishing, augmenting, and maintaining profiles and pages for lawyers and law firms.