Small Business Marketing NJ
Hunterdon Business Services
As a business owner,
you have challenges…
limited staff • a tight budget • little time
These challenges leave little time and resources for your website, advertising, and overall digital marketing of your business.
Small Business Websites & Marketing
Investing in an experienced, trustworthy website developer and digital marketer is critical to your business’ success.
Let HBS handle your marketing efforts while you devote your time to running your business. We will develop a strategic plan that takes into account your marketing budget, while striving for the largest return on the investment. We are driven by our passion to see you succeed.
Web Development
HBS will develop a customized website for your small business based on your goals. Once launched, we will continue to maintain and manage your website on your behalf with results-driven focus.
Our Advanced WordPress Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service is highly effective in improving your position in the organic search results. It’s a long-distance race – not a sprint.
Digital Listings
Listings in online directories including those on major search engines are generally free, but making using these assets can be overwhelming. We identify and update platforms best suited for your small business marketing goals.
Digital Advertising
Are you starting a business and need a website developer you can trust?
Congratulations on your decision to go into business for yourself! We wish you the best of luck and, of course, we’d be honored to help you embark on this exciting venture. Consider this…
Our websites are customized for your business. For starters, your website could consist of a home page, an “About Us” page, an informational page, and a contact page. Any site created by HBS would be optimized for your business, utilizing current best practice guidelines.
Developed in WordPress, these websites are designed to grow and change as your business grows and changes.
Our website development solutions and digital marketing services get your business’ name on the internet, making users aware of your brand as you begin to attract customers. As you grow your customer base, we help you retain your existing customers. We work diligently to grow your business and get results! Our team members are accessible and responsive, working with a high degree of integrity. We are a trustworthy team; you can count on us!
Call (908) 200-7766 today! And check out our Small Business Resources page for some valuable links.

We’ll help you stand out from your competition!